


Tels theory – From every cosmos comes man, to every cosmos goes man, the cosmos is from man, the cosmos therefore is man, from natural laws we live, rigid, entire and indestructible, therefore the laws and the cosmos force us to build our families, our homes, our friendships, society, goods, activities, altruism, profits and of course by the same laws we are materially destroyed, because our destiny is the cosmos and nothing but the universe. It is therefore worth considering that through mechanical, electrical and magnetic laws, all of nature works in perfect harmony, creating and destroying, making and remaking, and man is integrated into these laws as a whole of himself, and he lives for nature and nature for itself, being a means in this construction and not an end in itself. He who does not value these laws and destroys them according to his will hates life, because he does not know how nature works, he walks in this life halfway to death, he flees from destiny and his soul is on the brink of ruin. It is therefore worth considering that the magnetic balance on Earth and in the universe is of the same importance as the cosmos itself, because it represents one of its immutable laws and whoever disregards these laws lives in opprobrium, in ignominy, in madness, in short. Man is therefore a magnetic being who attracts or repels to himself, not what he wants, but what the universe or the cosmos wants for him. The stomach is magnetic, the liver is magnetic, magnetic, the heart is magnetic in the material sense of the word if not also in the spiritual sense, the discussion is over, the world in which we live is also magnetic, the plates collide and kill magnetically because the neutron is undoubtedly an elementary magnet, it is also worth thinking that because the atom is also magnetic because the magnetically unbalanced proton explodes, the electron jumps its valence layer and the neutron remains intact, the law of preservation that is typical of the universe and also of man escapes these natural laws. Since the human being is a cosmic man, it is magnetically that he goes to the cosmos and magnetically speaking that he returns from the cosmos, these laws are universal and perhaps man is mortal, therefore all the etheric vibration that conjures all these words with the wisdom of the universe flows from the atmosphere, magnetic yes is man and the universe. Therefore, man is a living and autonomous thinking being according to himself and therefore it is to be thought that without the magnetism of himself he would not live and much of him as dependent on the world where he lives. It is to be concluded therefore that I am a magnetic being with the help of the universe, because I know these laws and I must therefore profess such laws at the mercy or capture of other men who also think about the conservation of the world where we live as strictly magnetic beings that by the law of magnetic and universal attraction of bodies attract to themselves from food to the most sublime of desires. It is therefore established for this that the magnetism of the earth can be measured using as a unit the archangel which for natural laws established until then is 11.2 here on earth. and modifying itself according to the mass of the celestial bodies that can today be evaluated using Newton’s laws, a man remains in magnetic balance from birth to death, each one measuring his own, yours and his according to himself and the universe. And I rest once again magnetically speaking, because rest is not proper to universal and human magnetism, but man is a tired subject compared to the magnetism that creates everything, destroys nothing and transforms everything because it is invisible to human eyes. The cosmic experience is undoubtedly the foundation for human construction because it maintains a link between the divine, the perfect and the immortal with what is visible, imperfect and mortal. He who thinks that whoever writes these words does so only by magnetic laws attracting the atoms of the paper to the atoms of the ink, fixing themselves to each other by means of such laws, is mistaken. The telephone rings in the ear and works by means of such laws because the effect of one atom on another and another on a perfect scale of harmony until reaching equilibrium. Man travels into space by such laws because the fuel burned is the non-magnetic fuel of another time that propels man to such achievements because all combustion generates an explosion and every explosion generates energy and energy is, so to speak, magnetic until reaching equilibrium because then it becomes rarefied with another magnetic circumstance. The bottom up and the top down are magnetic properties. The atom is magnetic, the neutron is the magnet and the electron the speed of such laws because the universe will never stop being magnetic. It is therefore important to know that storms, rains, tectonic movements are closely linked to magnetic phenomena, forces of nature that respond and faithfully obey natural and essentially magnetic laws. Beautiful is the sun that shines in the morning and is magnetic in its essence, if it sets on the other side its magnetism rotates the Earth guided by magnetic expansionism and attraction, the universe and the first atom are still closely intimal linked by magnetism, one exploding and giving rise to the other, but without knowing until then that the first was generated by a magnetic reconstruction. Everything was calm and man perhaps did not yet exist when, from a proto-electro-mechanical-magnetic imbalance, the first explosive atom emerged from a universal magnetic dome, not yet mentioned in history. This imbalance can possibly be reconstructed in order to understand even more how man is a magnetic being and what forces, hitherto unknown, this experiment can recreate, being only a magnetic force of a universal nature that is entirely magnetic. The convolution is also entirely mechanical and therefore magnetic. In the current stage of humanity’s evolution, the force that has not yet been fully mastered and understood is magnetic. However, there are times and times for everything that is known until now about magnetism to be of exclusive use for the benefits of man. The reverse time has come, and this time is inevitable, because nature wants attraction and repulsion for the benefits of nature and only for man. It is time for the man-universe to use and be used for the benefit of humanity under laws hitherto unknown, because what is known must and will be used for better knowledge of what is in these lines, because what is in these lines causes attraction and repulsion among men, because man is subject to such laws, because the universe is magnetic and man is not yet completely magnetic. Oh cosmic universe, oh cosmic universe, man, which is not so magnetic as magnetic-man-universe, magnetic-man-universe, then magnetic universe man. I return to myself and wake up in my country and it is certainly magnetic. An atom is never found alone in nature, it is always associated with others through bonds that, in addition to being electronic, are magnetic, since neutrons covalently interact in these bonds like elementary magnets, favoring the formation of molecules through attractive or repulsive forces without losing any matter. Matter is therefore indestructible in its essence and rigidly guided by magnetic laws. An atom, two atoms, three atoms; a proton, two protons, three protons; a proton, several electrons; several electrons, countless neutrons. The neutron is therefore a unit not yet well known to humanity, since it guides the magnetism of the planet, of man and of the universe. The essence of protons and electrons is well known, but the essence of neutrons is still unknown, because what can a neutron be if not the essence and the smallest part of magnetism, because a neutron can be negative or positive depending on the bonds or cracks of atoms or molecules, and can be negative to repulse or positive to attract. The neutron is undoubtedly an elementary magnet. I emphasize again that at the beginning of everything there were two neutrons in balance and united with each other, no one knows why. An imbalance in this dome separated the two neutrons. From then on, the first atom and the first electrons appeared, and then the explosion that gave rise to the universe. So it is concluded that it was not the explosion but rather an imbalance in this dome that kept two neutrons connected. One became positive and gave rise to the first proton. The other became negative and gave rise to the small electrons. From then on, each new positive and negative unit that would emerge, proton and electron, namely new neutron units, would emerge to compensate and balance the big bang. Sometimes negative neutrons, sometimes positive neutrons, and expanding in this way, the entire universe is still within this balance. In a small experiment, this can be demonstrated because the neutron is a unit of equilibrium, sometimes positive, sometimes negative, sometimes positive and/or negative during connections. Finally, the neutron is the most important unit. essential to the universe because it achieves the fundamental balance in the creation of the universe, the galaxies, the planets, and finally, life and man. Give me a neutron and I will move the world, give me two and I will move the universe. It is time for the world to merge the wise natural laws described by other authors with mine and build a much wiser world because man is the center of the universe and the center of the universe, if it exists, is magnetic. Man lives for the neutron, or does the neutron live for the universe, which is not man. Men must pay attention to the fact that the neutron must live for man if it does not already do so without him noticing. In nature, nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed and this fact is due to the bipolarity of the neutron. If it is not the fundamental unit of matter, the neutron is undoubtedly the unit of balance. Proton, electron, be careful, a neutron has transformed. Why? they ask, there was no time for the answer because they were already dominated by the neutron’s magnetism. Anyway, Finally, if God exists, he is neutral, or rather, neutron and magnetic. And if an atom is the fundamental unit of matter, a neutron is then a spirit because it is part of an atom. Spirits may or may not exist depending on the point of view, but making a more accurate analysis of matter and quantifying the number of neutrons in relation to an atom, it seems to me that for something as positive, or rather uniquely positive, as the proton, there are infinite neutrons involved in this positivity and electrons making connections around the positive nuclei, invariably defining matter as atomic and magnetic. If time is relative and space is also relative, what can we say about the neutron that certainly controls this relativity, sometimes positive, sometimes negative, and in time and space negative and positive, because it is relative. Here there is a gap in this cosmic line and a question arises: how, how and how did I formulate this? THE ANSWER: I was looking for pomegranates, I spent a whole day looking for them, but I didn’t find any, or rather, the pomegranates were found at the highest part of the trees. I got tired and slept under one of the trees in the middle of so many that there were. I woke up with a pomegranate that fell on my belly, and then I formulated at least a thousand theories explaining that in addition to Newton’s force there would be an explanation for my pomegranate. For it is well known that an atom is a miniature star and a neutron cannot be a star because it does not shine, because the shine of something does not depend on its size but on the genius with which it is explained and the physical constitution of matter is governed by the stars because these are bigger, the bigger governs the smaller so then a neutron should not be so small because it shines depending on the intensity with which it is worked, because a man still does not work with stars because they rule him and to rule an atom in the current stage of humanity it is easy to correctly manipulate a neutron is for a star something subtle and easy like a child playing with his toys and the parents being careful not to spoil them, oh give me a neutron and a car will go boom-boom. Observing how the harmony of the cosmos works, one must observe that the stars are not static in the sky, because the sky is just an observation of man and not of the universe. The universe is movement and energy is peace and fury. There is nothing hidden in this, because in astronomical observations we can observe this fact. Man moves from birth to death, because man is a star in balance with the cosmos and the cosmos with man. They both live following indestructible universal natural laws and now in their magnetic essence. The sun being a star and a star being a cosmic manifestation, its expansion as well as its beginning and its end is a magnetic manifestation. All its atoms respond to these laws and the energy coming from these nuclear explosions are controlled by neutrons, otherwise we would explode together, a nuclear explosion, a neutronic implosion and vice versa. From these words, O universe, O man, compress the neutronic force, because two neutrons united form the universe and two separate neutrons destroy it, because balance is typical of man. What can we say then, of a man without his companion, a universe ceases to be formed. Disregard such observations, because here are the explanations for the imbalance of our planet, from the atmosphere to the oceans, because it is through the attraction that the moon exerts on the sea that the tides change, of course associated and dissociated from the thought or rather from the old gravitational thought. The Taoists undoubtedly formed the formation of future scientists, because they laid the foundation for the concept of positive/negative, good/evil, man/woman, proton/electron, and they certainly influenced these new concepts. According to Leonardo da Vinci, there is no greater majesty than the dominion of oneself, and there is no greater majesty than the dominion of the neutron over the atom, and ultimately over matter. From the nature of men, man is man himself, integrating with others who also call themselves men and living among men, which gives rise to the man who, if he is rich, considers himself more of a man, not because he is a man, but because he has more than other men. These men, because they do not have as much, hate each other, because it is the destiny of man to be and not to have, because those who have may not be, and to have and to be are different verbs. Happy is the man who has and is. Therefore, all of nature flows so that man may be happy with what he has and what he is. Wise is the man who knows what he is, because what he had, has and will have are characteristic of what he is. Wise is also the man who has, because what was, is and will be are characteristic of what he has. Being and having, that is the question. Foolish is the man who judges himself by what he has, foolish is the man who judges himself by what he is, not knowing that it is nature that makes him as he is. Happy and wise is the man who knows that it is nature that makes him as he is and with what he has. From the nature of women, a woman is nothing but the woman herself who has and is and thinks differently from man for being and having a woman in herself, differing from men in body, resembling men in soul and it is in her own nature to have and be a woman integrating herself above all with other men to make men and women from her own womb, certainly a being more vain and affectionate than men. From the nature of children, marveling at what they have and are without above all judging such verbs, dependent on men and women in the first instance and natural in themselves, they sleep more, play more and live less for not yet knowing exactly what they are and what they have. Without knowing, man is therefore a child playing in the garden of nature and trying to understand it and enjoy it, he evolves slowly, remaining in himself his essence from birth to death. He obeys and respects the natural laws even without dominating them because it is nature that dominates man and not the other way around. Nature When man loses control and dominion over himself, he is the first to blame nature for his misfortunes, because control and dominion over nature is something inexplicable, despite his attempts throughout time. Something new always emerges to be discovered by science. Universities are the fruit of these human attempts. Throughout its history, it is always by analyzing nature that man discovers much about himself, because he is an integral part of nature, but he is definitely not. If he were, nature as a whole would have to be carried on his back. Nature serves man, not the other way around. It is in this attempt that man loses himself. Because nature’s designs are infinite. We evolve with it. Man, in his illusion of dominating, thinks he does so at his own pleasure, but nature dominates him more and more and transforms with it, sometimes building, sometimes destroying, but above all transforming itself. And man then evolves with it, sometimes gaining from it, sometimes losing, but above all transforming himself mutually. Is the neutron the balance, or rather the unity of universal balance in nature? If nature has several children, the neutron is the child of balance and consequently of imbalance. Described for the first time in 1932 by the English physicist James Chadwick, as an integral part of the atomic nucleus accounted for by the atomic number minus the mass number of an atom, electrically neutral and formed by two down quarks and one up quark, the neutron is the universal magnet and responsible for the balance of matter. The true nature of the world and the universe depends on several aspects such as the scientific, religious, political, moral; in short, the neutron continues to be just a particle of matter or rather of the atom because it has weight or rather mass. It is therefore concluded that the natural balance of a man is established when his questions are answered and the relationship he has with nature reaches a highly harmonious level. Therefore, balance is the nature of the universe and man is the fruit of nature and balance, and he becomes the tool in such a harmonious relationship. Natural balance can be achieved when man finds the balance of himself and this The relationship is manifested in nature. Since the ultimate goal of life is life itself, and once harmony is achieved between the life of man and the life of nature, man discovers himself and reaches perfection, the peak stage of man in nature. Since ancient times: discover yourself reveals this relationship. From the fruits of nature man lives, as a fruit of nature man works, and as enjoyment of nature man dies. Of all the forms of balance there is none more beautiful than the observation and work of man in nature, understanding this as sculpted or not by the fruits of human action and thought. There is energy in this and, so to speak, infinite energy in this relationship between man and nature. Where there is balance, energy manifests itself as a star that shines in this relationship and gives gifts to everyone in this way. Balance is synonymous with energy and therefore the greater the energy of something, the greater its balance, it is a direct relationship. E = Eq. Therefore, the energy coming from this balance, it is only fair that humanity extracts it from this balance, namely water, fire, earth and air. It is not alchemy but science, as they have physical-chemical properties and are consequently manifestations of nature in balance and therefore capable of providing us with energy: WHITE ENERGY. For it must be a balanced energy and aiming above all at this Nature-Balance relationship, without pollutants, as it is not proper to pollute, but to balance and return, of course, to its natural balance. Therefore, the magnetism of the planet with the number 11’2 was mentioned previously and can be determined and applied to bodies in the following way: Mgc = m.mt, where mt = mg of Earth = 11’2 kgf\cm3 Mgc=magnetism of the body m=mass E=m.c2—–P=m.g—–Mgc=m.mt E=Eq In equilibrium— m.c2=m.g=m.mt Mt=g=m.c2 or mt=m.g=c2 or 11.2 = m.g = c2 or m.c2 = g = 11’2 as the formula that represents energy is E = m.c2 and E = Eq and g = 9’8 then it becomes 11.2 = 9.8 = m.c2 it becomes 11.2 -9.8 = m.c2 or 11.2 = m.c2 -9.8 Two Expressions m.c2 = 1.4 and m.c2 = 21 Then the white energy must vary on a scale of 1.4 to 21 depending on the material or better the fruit of its nature or better still the atomic particles that provide it, since this energy is contained in the neutron. Therefore, the objective of this work is the balance, it is in this same proportion that it varies because we now have how to standardize the balance of nature by applying these numbers to the fundamental particles of matter, the atoms. There is nothing supernatural about natural balance, except for the expressions that can be given on the subject. In addition, at the current stage of evolution, nothing is more fair than knowing the opinions on such a proposition and presenting a tiny solution to such a huge problem as imbalance in all senses, whether material or spiritual. Balance being such a solution and having it be great, starting with the smallest seems to me the best and most convenient. Wouldn’t the theory of the evolution of species be better explained if we questioned the balance of species better, since it seems fair to me that a species that is somewhat more evolved is more balanced, and vice versa. Man is an evolved being in relation to other animals because he is more balanced, it seems to me that yes, in some cases perhaps not, we will not go into the merits of the question. Since man comes from balance, lives in balance and his goal is to balance himself, he will do everything for balance. Balance in the sense of the word can sometimes represent backwardness or progress, depending on how it is used, but nothing can escape balance. Therefore, since man is the son of the balance of nature, it is to be expected that everything that develops from it will be balanced, because if it is not, it will be destroyed by another form of established balance. Balance responds to nature and nature responds to nature, because the interaction between the two produces wealth in every sense of the word, and this relationship never ends, because it is infinite in harmony. Fleeing from this relationship, the universe collapses, the world decays, and man becomes extinct, because he does not know how to exist without balance. A man is as much and has as much as he is in balance with what he was and what he possessed. For without being and without having, he is not in and has no balance. Wanting to be and wanting to have is, above all, aiming for balance, aiming at balanced power and building with balance. Wanting is not power when what one wants is not in balance with what one can. For wanting is power, and balance is having and being. Balance is divine and the opposite is diabolical. To be or not to be in balance is like living or dying. If man lives the art of balance in a nature that is completely balanced for itself, how will he do without this harmony? By bringing balance to oneself, being and having are consequences and not causes. The universal balance of bodies arises from human thought and its relationship with nature. By living in harmony, balance is achieved more quickly and is maintained in a harmonious or balanced way, as they are perhaps synonyms. Two bodies cannot occupy the same space, but two bodies can compete to achieve the same balance, therefore the balance of a body is unique or relative for the same end or purpose when two or more bodies have the same objective, that of balancing something or some circumstance. Therefore, a body is relative to space in relation to balance, since time precedes space and balance, or perhaps balance is found together with time, it is not known, or perhaps the three were born together, but if they were born in what time, time ceases to be relative, if it was space, where did it go and ceases to be relative, as is the question, and balance becomes unique. But since balance is inserted in a temporal context and time is certainly relative according to Albert Einstein and for space the same word is relative, balance, because it is within a natural context, is certainly relative depending on who explains it, but escaping this or that explanation, it is unique, because it arose together with time and together with space. And finally, balancing time and space, they also cease to be relative and become unique. But this can still unbalance such relativity, namely time and space, more conclusively and definitively if we call them multiple. Since it varies in time and space, multiple equilibrium can be established in various ways: in size, color, structure, weight, shape, organism, functionality, in short, in all systems, since it is universal. It is suggested that time, space and equilibrium emerged together in the same place and were defined and established in a balanced way. Equilibrium is an interaction between the environment that surrounds us and, through time, these interactions, since they are multiple, are defined, modified and acquire universality. All scarcity and excess are considered imbalances, but depending on how they are used, they make something balanced. Environmental imbalance and its balance, a matter of global interest, could be better understood and comprehended if we understood balance from its fundamental unit, the neutron, and its interaction with matter. Starting from the beginning seems more intelligent to me, not that the need to intervene is logically obvious in these imbalances; the union of both is supremely necessary. The neutronic mechanism From the neutrons, atoms are divided into 3 lines, namely: 2 down quarks and 1 up quark. The down quarks represent atomic balance in relation to the atomic atmosphere and the up quark represents balance in relation to the elevation of the atom to new bonding elements, therefore the neutron is an element of subatomic balance and, as previously stated, the element of balance of matter in its smallest particle. The neutral electric charge serves as a pseudo-magnet or better, the magnet, as a converter of charges into chemical bonds and self-appropriation of matter by converting negative electric charges into positive ones and vice versa, transforming matter into anti-matter and this produces a lot of energy or rather relative energy depending on its composition and atomic structure. Therefore, anti-matter and energy are, so to speak, synonyms and I call this energy white energy, because it produces luminosity and does not produce by-products that are harmful to the environment, it is therefore the energy of the future. The subneutrinos originating from the conversion of atomic polarity produce the opposite effect to the original neutrons and finally return to their initial aspect: the neutron. This phase of conversion of neutrons into subneutrons is called a twister or typhoon. They launch the matter or rather atom in a centripetal direction during conversion and in a centrifugal direction after conversion and this phase produces white energy. Well, basically this is how the balance of matter works from the neutron, and always producing energy, so perhaps the time and place for humanity to use anti-matter for its own benefit. As it is an atomic reaction, it is, so to speak, 1000x better than any other form of energy known to man until now. Inseparable in nature from the nucleus and the atomic atmosphere, the neutron works as a balancer of matter and consequently as an attractor and repeller of it. It is to be expected that in the near future it will form an initial landmark of the science of equilibrium, starting from the fundamental particle of matter and reaching its applications in all spheres of human knowledge. Therefore, antimatter is the reverse of matter and the two work in equilibrium from protons, electrons and neutrons and this conversion of matter into antimatter produces an energy of a universal nature, with galaxies being matter, black holes being antimatter and cosmic exponents of the same. The equilibrium between the greater and the lesser is certainly man and he must manipulate this energy with these ideals. Time and space are sometimes relative, sometimes unique because they are multiples of themselves, when in equilibrium with what is thought, spoken and felt, the description of an equilibrium between the three eludes, since they are relative in one theory and multiples in another. So then, what is multiple balance if not the balance between the largest, the medium and the smallest, namely the universe or as far as we can reach in it, man as far as he can think and the atom and what he can form and the three in perfect synchrony and not relative to life. Starting from these three units and multiplying in nature in number and forms, converting all to infinity, independent of time and space, as they are relative, multiple and indefinite because they are infinite. And even though man is the balance between both, the largest and the smallest, nothing is more appropriate than for him to make such a discovery. And from time to time through time in time time is formed without reaching time because time is undoubtedly a multiple of space because just like its friend or better unattainable brother, they are at the same time infinite spaces because they are infinitely balanced because one does not jump from one space to another if time does not do so, one also following the other in infinite and multiple forms that draw the line through time and space because if time changes in a singular balance that despite seeming unique is relative because it is infinite and multiple in balanced time and space. Because the neutron between black holes and galaxies balancing the universe in matter and anti-matter and building and destroying all nature transforming it into energy where everyone inhabits within themselves the universality of man in balanced time and space. Humanita, humanita, humanita awaken because time pushes and waits for it and space maintains and preserves it forming man in an orderly or better balanced way.Escape from these lines that time awakened, man woke up, space sent him and relativized him, running towards each other without time and without space, unbalanced because time is short, space is little and the balance leans more to one side and then time stopped, space shortened, reaching the same level and the balance smiled happily but was not satisfied, became furious and sent space and time to find the man who was sleeping, with time and space left over, the balance awakened the man and he got up from his own sleep, found himself without time and much less space because these two were too disputed, however the imbalance found the balance and kept the man in line, however this line was infinite and he remained in doubt, will he be time, will he be space, I don’t know, he said, I need to maintain the balance because if I run away from this I will be annihilated, well, I love space and time balanced. Go back, stop, run, what to do without having time to waste because time came back, stopped and ran ahead and space accompanied it, the imbalance arose and the balance neutralized. neutrality produced energy and man flew with it. (Kobros)DIFFERENTIAL ANALYSIS OF EQUILIBRATOR With the components in place, the graph to be constructed for the differential analysis must follow the Telcomns standard for telephony, following the x line we will see the neutron transformation, the y the nuclear differentiation and z the amplitude and frequency of the energy.The machine has been constructed with bases in metallic alloys of crom-cobalt and nickel-titanium and this allow have been supported with a great stroke of ballistic forces, in same forms of commun motors therefore the structure of base in between usual planes in constructed of the Arcanjo motorsTHE TELESINERGY Telesinergic forces compress and expand the etherTHE EQUILIBRATOR With Pythagorean circles defining the atomic atmosphere in 3 times, the equilibrium becomes defined as radiant and simultaneous from the emitting unit to the receiving one with irregular and adjacent intervals altering the amplitude of equilibrium with direct relation to the atomic number and inversion of polarity indirectly, escaping the matter towards the center of the inversion and producing clean and pure energy with values ranging from 10,000,000 to 2,000,000,000 of Ed. being E = mg.k\R.t, where the constant is given in ctu/pi demetrias. In two millionths of a second the atmosphere becomes rarefied and a neutron converted into several subneutrons cross the atomic wall and convert protons into electrons and electrons into protons according to the following formula: K3/9.1 X g. MTpi=mcs(basically). The mathematical model is extensive. sigma dot pp. gg mnt returning to pi sigma extended t3 p3 p6 px kli fxt ft.fi alpha beta 941f t j 7.7kpiw… The beginning of the brightness visible to human eyes is instantaneous, light and sound with polyneutronic emission make the atomic atmospheres circumspect to the central nucleus of the initial formation, rarefying at the same point, the sound is practically compressed, so to speak, because the anti-conversion conversion process is extremely contained to the nuclei, the energy is contained by the stationary vacuum and self-created in the process within the most common atmosphere, something unimaginable. Based on Archangel’s principle that within the vacuum the pseudoatmosphere created is essentially anti-material and extremely rich in light and heat with material feedback achieved in three times, depolarizing the circles without any damage to matter. The spontaneous co-reaction between atomic nuclei does not differ at all from the common chemical reactions known until then, defining matter as indestructible and highly mutable. Polymorphic nuclei can be demonstrated in a positive-negative reaction. Definitely the conversion of matter into anti-matter with the production of energy in series is an easily demonstrable event. The initial electric current and also the initial emission are transformed in the vacuum produced in multiform waves of energy inseparable from the atmosphere, contradicting modern quantum physics, since matter is converted into energy and returning to matter in an uninterrupted process. The first neutron involved in the transformation and triggering the reaction returns to its original place and the process is interrupted. In the same way, protons and electrons stabilize simultaneously, unbalancing the process. (kobros)THE ENERGY TRANSFER It always occurs in chemical elements of the same family in 3 distinct moments, namely three keys: First key: nuclear opening: fragmentation of the nucleus, extension and release of forces, neutron containment and twister of protons and electrons. Second key: polarity inversion: opening of the neutron capsule, emission of subunits, union with protons and electrons, conversion and containment. Third key energy emission: energy rods are formed near the nuclei, emitting pure, luminous energy, without harmful by-products to the environment.

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